Nana’s Chicken Stock

Nana’s Chicken Stock


This is a labor of love type dish but SO worth it! It freezes wonderfully! I make this so often I have a set of ice trays just for my stock. I’ll freeze the stock into cubes and store them in the freezer in a ziplock freezer bag for those days you just want a small mug of broth. Pop a few in a coffee cup and heat in the microwave for instant sore throat relief or just perfect on a cold rainy day. ENJOY!

Difficulty: Beginner Cook Time 4 hrs Rest Time 2 hrs Total Time 6 hrs
Best Season: Suitable throughout the year




  1. Bring a large stock pot filled 2/3 up with water to a boil, adding the ginger powder and bouillon cubes. Once boiling add leg/thigh quarters and cook on medium high for 2 hours or until meat pulls away from bone easily.

  2. Reduce heat to low and remove chicken. Allow to cool before removing the meat from the bone. Return ALL non edibles (bone, skin, etc) back to the pot and turn the heat back up to medium high. Bring to a rolling boil and cook until liquid has reduced by at least half. 2 hours or so.

  3. Strain stock in to plastic container allowing it to cool before sealing and refrigerating. Over night is best. Discard non edibles.

  4. Next day remove layer of solid fat from top of stock. (You can save this in a ziplock freezer bag in the freezer and use in place of oil or lard in many recipes! Or make a pet happy with a small spoon full mixed in their food. It helps keep their coat smooth and aids in some skin irritations.) The stock should be gelatin like in consistency. Usually a one to one ratio, one cup stock one cup water but test it, sometimes that needs adjusting.

  5. Usually I will re heat my stock and pour it into ice trays I keep just for stock. Once frozen dump stock ice cubes into a large ziplock freezer bag. Need a single serving of broth, 3 cubes and a bit of water in a coffee mug, 2 minutes in the micro and you are sipping hot broth! this is GREAT when you are feeling sick or having sinus issues. Carefully inhale the steam as it rises from the broth through the nose. Then sip it and curl up with a book on the couch!

    As for the chicken place in a ziplock bag and refrigerate. Use in anything. I like to take it cold and grind it in a food processor and freeze it. When I'm looking for some chicken salad a handfull of frozen ground chicken with mayo and relish or mayo and curry powder make a quick and easy lunch.

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