Chocolate Eclair Cake

via The Girl Who Are Everything Oh my, this is good! The filling alone can is enough, but the crust and whipped cream just make this so delectable. -Janet

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes

Recipe from I tried a few cookie dough cupcakes, but nothing tasted like cookie dough. But this one is spot on! The filling is perfect and taste just like you are eating raw cookie dough, without the fear of eating raw eggs. And the frosting just makes the package. -Janet

Chocolate Cake

Like its partner, this isn’t like a cake box mix. Instead of being light and fluff, this cake was created to handle the fondant and sculpting Hall does when making a cake for Cobalt.

Yellow Cake

This isn’t your light and fluffy box cake mix. This cake was picked because it was sturdy, moist and could handle the carving that Hall does to our cakes for Cobalt.


Mom use to make these a lot. The cinnamon would make the house smell great! We couldn’t help but sneak a few. I think my pore mother started making more in her batches due to the low amount that always seemed to make their way to the cookie jar. These cookies are normally referred to as SNICKERDOODLES but as little kids normally do we renamed them and our parents found it cute so it stuck. -Brannon

Smores Fondue

Matt and Kelley often accompany us when we go out to the Melting Pot, and for dessert, we always get Smores Fondue. My favorite memories are from watching Kelley’s reaction to the chocolate-marshmallow combination. I think she refers to it as “Don’t need a man good” 😉 I can’t say that I disagree with her, yum!!! -Janet

Kiss This

This recipe is a unique recipe for us. We found it on a Geocache search. A Geocache search is like a treasure hunt. You are given a set of GPS coordinates and the hike/treasure hunt begins. When you get the coordinates on the website it tells you the type of cache you are going after and what you need to bring with you. One our first Geocache hunt, the cache was a recipe. We left a recipe that was one of our favorites, and took a recipe that somebody else had left. This recipe is a great holiday treat, and will make your house smell great! -Janet Check out the site:


My mother made these while we were growing up. My sisters and I would sneek a few up as mom pulled them out and then take a couple when she offered them and then snuck a few more later on – poor dad never could figure out where they all went to. -Brannon

Earl Grey Lemon Cookies

This recipe is based off of Alton Brown’s Sugar Cookies. I was looking for a good sugar cookie recipe when I came across the idea of adding Earl Grey tea into them. Since Brannon and I LOVE Earl Grey, I decided to give them a try. The cookies were good, but needed something to give them that punch – enter the lemon icing. I took them to a Christmas party, and was surprised that the kids LOVED them…to the point where they were demanding their parents get the recipe. So ever since then, when I have to make cookies, these are one of the top 2 I make (Chocolate Chip ones of course being #1). -Janet

Chocolate Fudge

Back in August of 2000, Brannon and I were lucky to visit Sapphire Valley and Highlands, NC with Matt and Kelley. During our trip, we made it our mission to find the best fudge, and believe me there are many places try to find it! After searching the area, we came across Dillsboro Chocolate and after sampling her fudge, we decided we had found our winner. In less than a week, we found ourselves at her store purchasing fudge no less than 3 times. So if you are looking for some good fudge, try this place!! YUM! -Janet Since then we have returned a few more times (most recently in Spring of 2012), and each time the fudge keeps getting better! If you haven’t tried them yet, you are missing out! And don’t forget their coffee…Hall just got some of their raspberry vanilla and he is in love! -Janet

Chocolate Chip Cookies

This cookie recipe is a famous one, but why change something that has been proven to be the best?! It has been one that we tested many, many times in my family, and there are tons of memories associated with the cookies, ranging from the Cookie Swap party in Lakeland, to BE and I eating Moose’s cookie dough over Christmas. Make some tonight, and add to your family memories! -Janet

Apple Cake

I have lots of memories with this cake. But my favorite memory happened a few years ago when I was cooking this cake in my mom’s kitchen. You see, my mom was helping me out by greasing and flouring the Bundt pan. She had already greased it, and was finishing up the flouring part. Instead of pouring the remaining bits of flour into the trash can, my mom did something totally out of character – she blew into the pan, trying to blow away the excess flour. I wish I had a camera at that time, because I would have loved to taken a picture of my mom – her whole face and head was covered in flour. Till this day Brannon and I can’t make this cake without pretending to blow the excess flour away! Love you Mom!!! 🙂 -Janet To me, this is the cake of the winter holidays. When I make this cake, the whole house smells like Thanksgiving and Christmas. -Janet

One Pot Brownies

I call this one my 1 Pot Brownies, since it only takes 1 pot to create. I was looking for a good brownie receip, when I stumbled upon this one. It is orignially for regular size brownies, but we found them almost to rich for regular size, so I started using the mini muffin pan and holders, and that is the perfect size for them! -Janet